Staining and Preservation

Sand, Stain, Save
Our bunkies are more affordable than other methods of construction because you don't need to do much to "finish them out." Who would cover up that beautiful wood? We do recommend that you at least apply a sealer or polyurethane to the interior, and a good coat of stain (reapplied at suggested intervals) to the exterior, and maybe a sealer as well. For best adherence you'll want to sand first.
After you've done all that, we recommend adding GUTTERS if there is much chance of water and dirt splashing up on the sides during rain. The wood will take it well, they did make boats out of spruce after all, but it won't look good and it will wear the stain away faster.
If you don't stain your bunkie, the wood will discolor and look like an old grayed barn or deck. Talk to the people at the local paint store where the pros shop to find the right product.

Get Wild
It's your bunkie. You do you. While natural wood is beautiful, its not the only color allowed.

Interior Magic
Gather your inner interior designer, or maybe phone a friend. Your bunkie can be the most elegant room in the neighborhood.